I ‘m a Physicist and a Data scientist experienced with advanced Machine learning algorithms and visual analytics. My interests are in solving complex business challenges by leveraging the data and applying advanced machine learning methods. Currently, my focus is in Natural Language Processing or making machines understand and generate human language. For many years I have worked as a researcher in various high-performance research and development environments focused on cutting-edge innovation in science and technology.
Agile & Productivity
SCRUM, JIRA , Confluence, GIT
AI/Machine Learning
PyTorch, Keras, Python, Deep Learning, NLP
programming skills in R, Python, Matlab and LabVIEW, JAVA and C Sharp.
Visualization & Reporting
R-Shiny, Flask, R-Markdown, Django and Streamlit
English (Business fluency), German (B2 Level)
Senior Data Scientist
Mercedes Benz AG
Sep 2019 -Present
- Proficient at building robust Machine Learning, Deep Learning models, Convolution Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), LSTM using Pytorch and Keras.
- Adept at analyzing large datasets using PySpark and Azure Databricks.
- Building Data Digitization pipelines, AI-enabled OCR engine, with the help of Computer vision and SOTA NLP techniques.
- Solving problems like Topic detection, Topic classification Natural Language.
- Natural Language Understanding, and Natural Language Generation in the context of Legal text
documents. - Hands-on experience in building models to extract Semantically similar documents or texts.
- Developing semantic search tool for news article segregation.
Data Scientist
Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG, Stuttgart
11/2016- 09/2019
- Built prediction models for CRM Lead conversions and Customer retention.
- Ensemble prediction models with various machine learning techniques such as Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Network.
- Developed and hosted shiny apps.
- Worked in Scrum environment to deliver innovative results under tight timeline constraints and technical difficulties
- Developed Springbok-View (Data visualization tool): Created tool for interactive data visualization using JavaScript libraries.
Research Assistant
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India
07/2009- 07/2011
- Characterization of mechanical and magnetic properties of thin films using Atomic force Microscope and sensitive magnetometers
- LabVIEW Test Automation: Experiment automation with the help of LabVIEW and MATLAB.
- Data analysis and reporting.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Leibniz Institute for New Materials-Saarland University
08/2015 – 12/2015
- Measurement and Data Analysis, Data visualization & Background in optimization problems.
- Image processing & Mathematical modeling in Matlab and Python.
Ph.D in Physics
Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG, Stuttgart
07/2011 – 07/2015
- Research into nano-mechanical properties of graphitic materials.
- High resolution imaging with Atomic Force Microscope in Ultra High Vacuum.
- Image processing & Mathematical modeling in Matlab and Python.
- Research publications in very high ranking journals.
Preferential sliding directions on graphite
Physical Review B, 89(24), 245440.
Balakrishna, S. G., de Wijn, A. S., & Bennewitz, R. (2014)
Atomic scale mechanisms of friction reduction and wear protection by graphene
Nano letters, 14(12), 7145-7152.
Klemenz, A., Pastewka, L., Balakrishna, S. G., Caron, A., Bennewitz, R., & Moseler, M.
Contrast in nanoscale friction between rotational domains of graphene on Pt (111)
Carbon, 113, 132-138.
Chan, N., Balakrishna, S. G., Klemenz, A., Moseler, M., Egberts, P., & Bennewitz, R.